Empirical Analysis using Household and Micro-level Datasets
Social Budget Tracking and Analysis
A Child Rights Lens for Poverty and Social Impact Analyses (PSIAs)
Human Development in Crisis: Insights from the Literature, Emerging Accounts from the Field and the Correlates of Growth Accelerations and Decelerations
This paper combines three approaches to address the issue of how the global economic crisis is affecting human development. First, it reviews the empirical literature (through a desk review) and outlines the possible transmission of the crisis from the global to the national economy, and eventually to households, children and women. Second, it summarizes some of the emerging accounts from the field based on reports and interviews with the poor. These accounts suggest, that households—and in particular children and women—face severe strain as the crisis continues to unfold. Third, it provides an empirical analysis of the historical relationship between episodes of growth acceleration and deceleration using country-level aggregate indicators of human development (e.g. life expectancy, infant and under-5 mortality and school enrollment). The data used in the report covered the period, between 1980 and 2006.
- Human Development in Crisis: Insights from the Literature, Emerging Accounts from the Field, and the Correlates of Growth Accelerations and Decelerations (2009)
Authors: ConceiƧao, P., N. Kim, R. Mendoza, and Y. Zhang
Social and Economic Policy Working Paper No. 2009-07, UNICEF Divison of Policy and Practice, New York