Empirical Analysis using Household and Micro-level Datasets
Social Budget Tracking and Analysis
A Child Rights Lens for Poverty and Social Impact Analyses (PSIAs)
Childhood and Adolescence in the Context of the Global Economic Crisis: The Case of Mexico
The impact of the 2008-09 global economic downturn was particularly severe in Mexico due to the country’s strong connection to the US economy, the importance of migrants’ remittances to support families left-behind, and the outbreak of influenza A (H1/N1) in April 2009 that led to severely reduced revenues in the tourism sector. In the context of this tenuous economic situation, UNICEF Mexico, in partnership with the national authority responsible for poverty measurement and social policy evaluation (CONEVAL), designed and implemented a nationally representative survey to measure the impact of the crisis on families and children in 2009. UNICEF and CONEVAL organized two international high level fora in order to position children at the center of the policy response to the crises. The survey results were released in a joint report by UNICEF and CONEVAL in 2010.
The relevant documents produced for this project include: the TORs for the survey, the survey questionnarie, the final report and 2 presentations of the key results (all these documents are in Spanish).
- Cuestionario: La Niňez y la Adolescencia en el Contexto de la Crisis Económica Global: el Caso de Mexico (2010)
Questionnaire - La Ninez y la Adolescencia en el Contexto de la Crisis Economica Global: el Caso de Mexico (2010)
The report is a joint collaboration between UNICEF Mexico and CONEVAL - Especificaciones Tecnicas (2010)
Terms of Reference - Presentacion Contrapartes Gubernamentales (2010)
- Presentacion Resultados (2010)